In 1965, a young 25 year old man arrived at his new home Canada, with just $25 and a little change in his pocket. Like thousands before and since, the vision of a prosperous new life burned brightly in the young man's heart, as he made his way to Prince George, a city where - immigration officials said, he could find work.
John Brink was half way around the world from his birthplace in Holland, but he knew his adopted home presented opportunities to hard workers with a vision. As a clean-up man at a local mill, John Brink promised himself that he would one day own his own forest company.
Indeed, John Brink has proved the power of a vision. His dream is now a leading value added company - manufacturing quality lumber products for the world market. Canada has been good to Brink Forest Products, and to its founder. That's why John and his Company give so much back to Prince George - through gifts to education, the arts and our quality of life.
1975 Company founded by John Brink. Established first plant on a corner of the CN Rail industrial site in Prince George B.C.
1976 Installed first fingerjoint line on River Road location, Prince George, B.C. Most of the product is sold into the U.S., as Canadian building codes did not recognize the new product at this time;
1976 Installed re-manufacturing facility on River Road location, Prince George, B.C.
1982 Spruce beetle infestation in Bowron Lakes district east of Prince George.
1983 John Brink establishes Allgo Logging Company in the Bowron Lakes district to mill the timber impacted by the beetle infestation;
1987 Brinks primary lender collapses causing significant uncertainty regarding the future of the Company. Brink overcame this hardship as evidenced by its continued existence;
1987 The Bowron Lakes district mill is moved to Fort St. James and sold;
1996 Commencement of lumber supply agreement with Canfor Corporation. Brink continues its remanufacturing program manufacturing square edge premium dimension lumber, including traditional studs and fingerjoint studs;
2000 Purchased original Prince George property from CN Rail;
2002 Brink purchases second premises on River Road in Prince George, B.C. The new premises is across the road from the original location;
2003 Acquisition of Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing Ltd. from Leggett & Platt B.C. Ltd.
May 2004 Start up and certification of Fingerjoint B line running on a three shifts basis at new River Road premises;
Sept. 2004 Commencement of bulk block supply contract with Abitibi Consolidated - Mackenzie Region;
Nov. 2004 Purchased entire sawmill (building and equipment) in Smithers, B.C.
April 2005 Start up and certification of Fingerjoint C line at new River Road premises;
April 2005 Leased 100 acres of industrial land to be used as the new location for the sawmill. The location is on the southeast side of Prince George on the old BC Rail industrial site. The land is leased from BCR Properties Inc.
May 2005 Commencement of bulk block supply contract with Pacific Inland Resources (a West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. subsidiary) and expansion of Pleasant Valley Remanufacturing facility;
May 2005 Construction begins on a new block preparation line at the original River Road location;
May 2005 Move sawmill from Smithers to Prince George and begin re-assembly on leased land on the southeast side of Prince George, B.C.;
March 2006 Disposition of Palliser Lumber Sales Ltd.
- February 2008 Expected start up of sawmill.
Brink Forest Products, for nearly 30 years- making quality products through innovative processes and environmental leadership.>