Thinking about your career options? Think about WOOD.
Right here in Northern BC, we have the best fiber in the world. We have exciting changes happening in the transportation sector with the development of a container port in Prince Rupert bringing our region closer world markets like the Far East. We have so much opportunity to grow our secondary wood manufacturing sector by developing new products for new markets.
Great things are happening today to shape a very prosperous tomorrow in the wood products industry. And you could be part of it.
John Brink has tremendous confidence in the future - so much so that he has invested $500,000 toward the expansion of trades and technology training - including a Wood Technology Program - at the College of New Caledonia.
On November 29, 2004, a building acquired to house the expanded trades and technology programs was named the John A. Brink Trades and Technology Centre. At this occasion, John's remarks emphasize his confidence in the future of the wood industry:
"I believe that there will be great opportunity for entrepreneurship to build on further value added in the forest sector as well as in oil and gas, and minerals. We must do more with our resources here in this region before shipping them to the world for manufacturing products or components.
Opportunities for careers in trades and technologies in the forest industry have never been better then they will be in the next five to ten years.
The greatest deterrent to the success and expansion of the Forest Industry in this region will not be access to timber, not access to markets, not access to capital. The biggest single deterrent will be access to a trained workforce; the skill sets required to run and manage wood manufacturing operations are crucial to the economic viability of the wood industry in this region." |
How about sharing John's vision?
You could be leading the pack and opening doors to exciting opportunities in the 'sunrise' wood products industry. Excellent post-secondary programs are available in BC to help you prepare for a challenging and rewarding career. Explore them now!
Post-Secondary Education Programs:
Interesting sites about wood: