• Finger-joined Studs
  • Product benefits
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  OUR PRODUCTS > Product benefits

Benefits - Straightness and Stability

Fingerjointed lumber is becoming a very popular and desirable product in the construction industry’s repertoire of engineered wood products.  

Fingerjointing results in much higher quality and stronger pieces and components, while dramatically reducing waste in our industry where the cost of raw materials is rapidly increasing.

The two most important advantages of fingerjointed lumber are straightness and dimensional stability. With short lengths of wood joined into longer pieces, the warping and twisting associated with regular dimension lumber is minimized. The fingerjointing process allows the removal of strength reducing defects to produce a product with higher engineering properties.

Great Reasons to Use Fingerjointed Lumber:


Fingerjoint lumber is as strong as, or stronger than conventional dimension lumber;


Warping and twisting is significantly minimized;


Each piece is straight and true, as any bow or crook is absorbed in the joint;

Nailing Surface

Fingerjoint studs provide a better nailing surface as wane (bark or inconsistencies) on the edge is minimized along the length of the stud;

Quality Control

Rigorous assurance controls ensure that the joints are tested for strength, water resistance and conformance to standards;


Fingerjoint lumber generally has less prevalence of visually displeasing attributes such as wane and discoloration;


It is made from small pieces of high quality wood ensuring the end product is always of consistent premium quality; and

Environmental Friendliness

It reduces waste by salvaging excellent quality wood from short pieces of lumber that would otherwise be discarded.  Fingerjointing maximizes the value extracted from every tree harvested.

 TEL 250.564.0412  FAX 250.564.0796  EMAIL admin@brink.bc.ca
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